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Track Your CMS Staffing Compliance in Real Time

Our Staffing Mandate Dashboard is a powerful, personalized tool that helps your facility navigate the new CMS minimum staffing rules. Providing detailed insights, it reveals your current standing regarding these mandates, identifies requirements to achieve compliance, and demonstrates how ShiftMed can seamlessly bridge staffing gaps.

Find Your Facility

Our dashboard has several filtering functions to locate your facility’s staffing data quickly:

Filter by Name: Type your facility's name in the search bar to display all closely matched names.

Filter by State or MSA: To narrow down the list, enter the state or MSA where your facility is located.

Use Scroll Bar: Use the scroll bar along the bottom of the dashboard to view the full report.

How It Works

Our dashboard uses daily PBJ nurse staffing data to provide actionable insights. Calculating the current HRPD for each nurse type identifies your facility's staffing levels and compares them to mandate requirements. Therefore, you can see how many additional workers you need for compliance. It also shows the availability of ShiftMed professionals in your area who are ready to help you meet these demands and maintain optimal staffing levels.