Unlock Solutions to the Long-Term Care Staffing Crisis

The dangers of understaffing in nursing homes started circling the grapevine in the 1980s. This narrative gained mainstream attention after the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published its 2001 study on the Appropriateness of Minimum Nurse Staffing Ratios. Fast-forward to today and the persistent issue of understaffing has reached a critical juncture that demands immediate attention.
In April 2024, CMS issued a final rule mandating minimum staffing requirements for long-term care facilities. This rule is a significant step toward addressing the chronic understaffing problem. Still, it also highlights the severe challenge of balancing these stringent requirements with the ongoing exodus of nurses from the profession.
Our nation's most vulnerable populations depend on the care and compassion nursing homes provide. Without a sustainable solution, their well-being is at significant risk. While the new CMS rule aims to ensure better care by setting minimum staffing levels, the simple truth is that more nurses are needed to meet these demands.
This white paper assesses nursing staffing in long-term care and outlines innovative solutions to revitalize the profession and help your nursing home navigate the new CMS staffing mandate that starts to roll out on May 11, 2026.