Prioritizing Mental Health Support for Nurses: Improving Continuity of Care in Hospitals and Skilled Nursing Facilities

By ShiftMed Team//Healthcare Staffing
Female nurse cares for patient in hospital

Continuity of care is a cornerstone of effective healthcare delivery, particularly within the demanding environments of hospitals and skilled nursing facilities. This crucial aspect of patient care ensures seamless transitions between healthcare providers, fosters comprehensive treatment plans, and ultimately leads to improved patient outcomes. 

However, maintaining continuity of care becomes an increasingly complex challenge when nurses grapple with mental health issues. It is imperative that healthcare leaders prioritize mental health support for nurses to guarantee patients receive the highest quality of care, while enabling nurses to perform their jobs effectively and safely. 

The Importance of Continuity of Care 

Continuity of care is a fundamental component of healthcare delivery. It encompasses the seamless coordination and integration of patient care, fostering a unified approach to treatment that ultimately leads to improved patient outcomes, satisfaction, and cost-effectiveness. 

Impact on Patient Outcomes, Satisfaction, and Costs 

Numerous studies have highlighted the link between continuity of care and improved patient outcomes, particularly in terms of reduced readmission rates and hospitalizations. For instance, a systematic review by Haggerty et al. (2013) found that increased continuity of care was associated with lower rates of hospitalization, emergency department visits, and mortality.  

Graphic that reads: Increased continuity of care is directly linked to lower rates of hospitalization, ER visits, and mortality.

Furthermore, continuity of care directly correlates with enhanced patient satisfaction, as patients benefit from a more personalized approach, better communication, and increased trust in their healthcare providers (Pereira Gray et al., 2018). This, in turn, can lead to reduced healthcare costs, as the healthcare system becomes more efficient and responsive to patients' needs. 

Disruption of Continuity of Care by Mental Health Issues 

Mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and burnout can significantly impair a nurse's ability to maintain continuity of care. Nurses experiencing mental health challenges may struggle with concentration, communication, and decision-making, which can lead to miscommunication, errors, and disjointed care. Moreover, these issues can exacerbate staff turnover and absenteeism, causing disruptions in the patient-nurse relationship and the overall care delivery process. 

For example, a study by Letvak et al. (2012) found that nurses with depressive symptoms were more likely to make medical errors, potentially compromising patient safety and quality of care. Similarly, burnout has been identified as a major contributor to increased turnover rates among nurses, with research by Hayes et al. (2012) demonstrating that high levels of burnout were significantly correlated with a greater likelihood of nurses leaving their jobs. 

Mental Health Challenges for Nurses 

Nurses are the backbone of healthcare delivery, often working long hours and shouldering immense responsibilities in high-stress environments. Consequently, they are susceptible to mental health challenges that can impact their well-being and ability to provide quality care. 

High Levels of Stress 

Nurses routinely deal with high levels of stress, stemming from factors such as excessive workloads, time pressures, and the emotional demands of caring for critically ill or dying patients. These stressors can lead to chronic stress, which can contribute to the development of mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and burnout. 

Chronic stress has been linked to impaired cognitive functioning, including difficulties with concentration, memory, and decision-making, all of which can adversely affect a nurse's ability to provide quality care and maintain continuity of care (Santos et al., 2020). 

Emotional Exhaustion and Burnout 

Emotional exhaustion is a core component of burnout, a work-related syndrome characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment. Nurses are at a heightened risk of burnout due to the emotionally taxing nature of their work, the high demands placed upon them, and the often limited resources available to support them. Burnout can negatively impact a nurse's ability to provide patient-centered care. 

Exposure to Trauma 

Nurses are frequently exposed to traumatic events, such as witnessing patient suffering or death, encountering cases of abuse, and dealing with life-threatening medical emergencies. This constant exposure to trauma can contribute to the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which is characterized by intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, and emotional numbness. Nurses with PTSD may struggle to form connections with patients, resulting in a lack of trust and impaired communication. 

Prioritizing Mental Health Support for Nurses 

To ensure the highest quality of care and continuity of care, it is essential to prioritize mental health support for nurses. Several strategies can be employed to address the unique challenges they face, including access to counseling and support services, stress-management training, and promoting work-life balance.  

Counseling and Support Services 

Hospitals and skilled nursing facilities can provide nurses with access to professional counseling and support services, either on-site or through external partnerships. For example, the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore implemented the RISE (Resilience in Stressful Events) program, providing confidential peer support to healthcare workers experiencing work-related stress. 

Stress-Management Training 

Incorporating stress-management training into nursing education and ongoing professional development programs can help nurses build resilience and cope with the demands of their work. A clinical trial has shown that mindfulness-based stress reduction programs lead to reduced burnout and improved mental health among nurses (Cohen-Katz et al., 2005). 

Promoting Work-Life Balance 

Supporting nurses in maintaining a healthy work-life balance is critical for their mental health. Hospitals and skilled nursing facilities can achieve this through flexible scheduling, ensuring adequate staffing levels, and encouraging the use of vacation time. The Cleveland Clinic, for instance, implemented a Caring for Caregivers Program to decrease burnout rates and increase job satisfaction among caregivers.

A Path to Sustained Nurse Mental Health Support 

By acknowledging the mental health challenges nurses face and equipping them with the necessary resources and support, healthcare organizations can ensure that patients receive the highest quality of care while enabling nurses to perform their jobs effectively and safely. 

Organizations like ShiftMed prioritize the mental health and well-being of nurses by giving healthcare workers the opportunity to control their schedules and carve out the time they need to recharge and overcome burnout. Beyond the innovative app technology that allows nurses to pick up open shifts in their area, on their terms, ShiftMed rewards nurses with a comprehensive suite of benefits that motivates and engages them.  

Investing in the mental health of nurses is not only a moral obligation but also a strategic imperative for healthcare organizations seeking to optimize patient outcomes and satisfaction. Learn more about how healthcare facilities can support nurses during a nurse shortage.