How Much Do Family Nurse Practitioners Make In The USA?

By ShiftMed Team//Nursing Profession
Family nurse practitioner talking to child and mother

Family nurse practitioners (FNPs) are highly specialized, advanced nurses. They specialize in family healthcare and preventative medicine. An FNP is the highest-held position a nurse can hold and can prescribe medication, diagnose patients, and direct RN in a healthcare setting. 

Being an FNP means treating patients of all ages, from newborns to senior citizens. You work directly with patients providing consultations, performing examinations, and developing treatment plans. You may work directly under the supervision of a family physician or general hospitalist in and out of the hospital setting. 

As one of the most advanced practice registered nurses, a family nurse practitioner also receives one of the highest salaries in nursing. The average family nurse practitioner makes $93,034.04 a year. 

We pulled our information from, which was last updated in July 2022.’s data from the same month reports an average median salary of $141,630. We pulled this figure from 3,600 compiled salary reports across the United States.

Recommended Reading - What Is A Family Nurse Practitioner in The USA?

APRN vs. FNP: What’s the difference? 

Family nurse practitioners are a type of advance practice registered nurse specializing in family healthcare. They treat patients from infancy through adulthood, and many work as primary care providers (PCPs). In some states, FNPs work independently, but most require them to work under a doctor.

APRNs can have numerous specializations, including family nurse practitioner, psychiatric nurse practitioner, and emergency nurse practitioner. APRNs can also just choose to earn a master’s degree and work as advanced practice registered nurses in a particular healthcare setting. 

How much does a family nurse practitioner make a year?

The average FNP makes $93,034 to $141,60 per year. Zippia reports that the bottom 10% of earners make $76,000 annually, and the top 10% of FNPs make $143,000 annually.

Indeed’s salary protections range from $123,263 for first-year FNPs to $149,958 for FNPs with 6 to 9 years of experience. 

Because this is such an advanced position, family nurse practitioners can expect salaries for job opportunities to start around or above six figures annually, not including bonuses or overtime.

How much does a family nurse practitioner make an hour?

The average family nurse practitioner’s hourly pay is $44.73 across the United States. Indeed reports an average hourly wage of $60.80. 

With more experience, family nurse practitioners can expect their base salary or hourly pay to increase. 

Family nurse practitioner salary by state

We’ve compiled the average median salary for family nurse practitioners in all 50 states. Here is a breakdown of the average hourly pay and annual salary. You can compare each state’s earnings to the national average by referring to the percentage on the right.


Hourly median wage

Annual median wage

Compared To National Average

































District of Columbia




















































































New Hampshire




New Jersey




New Mexico




New York




North Carolina




North Dakota




















Rhode Island




South Carolina




South Dakota




























West Virginia












National Average



Factors that affect how much a family nurse practitioner makes

Family nurse practitioner salaries vary across the United States. Three key factors influence their pay:

1) Education and experience level

A new family nurse practitioner is likely to be offered a lower salary than one with several years of experience. Education for all nurse practitioners starts with a master’s degree, though some hold doctorate degrees in nursing. A higher degree can qualify you for higher pay. 

Expect to see the most pay increase between your first and fifth year of being a family nurse practitioner, then another increase as you reach the 10-year mark. 

2) Workplace

Family nurse practitioners often work in outpatient settings, though some choose to work in general and surgical hospitals. Where you work will influence how much you earn, and you might find that pay varies between different types of employers in your state. FNPs who work in surgical or emergency rooms may earn more than one who works in an outpatient facility. 

3) Location

Your state’s average median family nurse practitioner salary and cost of living will influence how much you earn per month and year. For example, a family nurse practitioner in California will have higher pay than one in a rural state like Missouri. 

Base salaries are often adjusted to balance the average cost of living in a given place. Your salary may be higher if it costs you thousands of dollars more per year to live in a state than the national average. 

Recommended Reading - How to become a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) in The USA

How quickly can you become a family nurse practitioner and start earning?

If you already have a BSN and are a registered nurse, you can become an FNP in 2 to 3 years. You’ll have to earn your master’s degree through an accredited FNP program. You can apply for certification by taking the family nurse practitioner certification exam through The American Association Of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) or The American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC).

The AANP and ANCC FNP exams require at least 500 hours of direct clinical experience on top of your FNP degree.

If you are not an RN and want to become one, you will have to start by earning a degree in nursing. Since an FNP needs a graduate degree to practice, you should earn your BSN before moving on to a master’s program. 

Non-RN students who want to become an FNP will earn their credentials for six years.

Nurse practitioner salary vs. other nursing professions

Family nurse practitioners are some of the highest-earning professionals in nursing. Here is how an FNPs salary compares to other common nursing positions:

Average family nurse practitioner salary: $93,034.04

  • Registered Nurse: $76,944.90

  • Nurse Administrator: $76,104.25

  • ER Nurse (CEN): $78,451.61

  • ICU Nurse: $84,281.06 

Average median wage for all nursing professions: $67,662.51 

Family nurse practitioner salary FAQs

Am I being paid fairly as a family nurse practitioner?

To determine the fairness of pay, it is helpful to evaluate your number of regular working hours each week. If you work over 40 hours a week, you are entitled to overtime pay from your employer. Overtime pay is your hourly wage plus a half.

Salaries vary for family nurse practitioners, but you should not be paid less than $20,000 below the national average and no less than $10,000 below your state’s national average. 

Experience also affects earnings; if you have 5 to 9 years of FNP experience, your salary should not be the same as a newly licensed FNP. 

Make sure you openly advocate for fair compensation with your employer. You are a highly qualified, valuable member of the healthcare community, and you deserve to be paid well for your dedication, skills, and knowledge. 

Do family nurse practitioners get paid overtime?

Like all employees and nurses around the country, family nurse practitioners are entitled to overtime pay if they work more than 40 hours a week. You can also not be forced to work overtime by an employer except in situations involving critical care patients. Even in that case, you should still be paid an overtime wage rather than your usual hourly amount.

Being a salaried employee does not disqualify an FNP from overtime pay, breaks, and time off.

Are family nurse practitioners doctors?

No, a doctor has an M.D. or D.O. after their name and has completed medical school and residency. A Nurse Practitioner is a Registered Nurse with a master’s or doctorate degree and FNP certification.

The most significant difference between doctors and nurse practitioners is their ability to write prescriptions. Family nurse practitioners cannot prescribe medications without a physician’s approval in some states. 

Do family nurse practitioners get paid more privately or in hospitals?

According to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Nurse Practitioners make the most in private home healthcare services with an average median salary of $133,170, or $ $64.03 an hour.

Here is how their pay compares to other locations:


Average Median Hourly Wage

Average Median Annual Salary

Outpatient Care Centers



General Medical and Surgical Hospitals



Physicians’ Offices



Other Health Practitioners’ Offices



What state pays family nurse practitioners the most per hour?

Family nurse practitioners earn the most in California, whose average salary is 36% higher than the national average at $126,773.

The top 5 states that pay family nurse practitioners the most are:


Average Median Hourly Wage

Average Median Annual Salary
















Can you live off a family nurse practitioners salary in the USA?

Based on our findings, the average family nurse practitioner earns 60% more than the average American. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the median annual salary for a US worker in all industries to be $49,968. In the July 2022 Usual Weekly Earnings and Wage of Salary Workers

Remember that your state’s cost of living and personal expenses impact how comfortably you can live off an FNP’s salary. 

The cost of living index can also help you understand how comfortably you could live off a mental health nurse’s salary in your state. Metropolitan areas have higher living costs overall, but they also tend to present greater job opportunities.

A note about our data. We use the median of the data gathered from The BLS at and other salary data sources such as, and We believe that this is the best average to follow, rather than the mean or mode. The mean will find the average of all salaries in each state; the mode will favor the most frequently reported salaries. However, the median will find the middle. All data in this report will favor the middle salary from all ranges, which means 50% will fall below and 50% will be above the salary data reported below. On another note, we have removed data from Puerto Rico, Guam, and The Virgin Islands from the data we have sourced as we have focused on the 50 US States plus The District Of Colombia.

Registerd Nurse Median Salary